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All American Summer 420 Gear





A Dankstop Guide to Best Summer Gear

Celebrating 'USA Made'

Cannabis and the United States go way back to before it was a country and is the reason America became a superpower! Without hemp, kicking the British aristocracy out of our space would have been impossible.

Yeah, that’s right, spark a joint when you light up those sparklers, because weed is more American than the 4th of July! And, the staying power of cannabis can outlast any political movement because it was arguably the first industrial crop of the Americas.

So, this 4th of July, Dankstop is celebrating great American brands and products! We’ll look at all things hemp including its most famous byproduct- CBD! We’ll also look at smoking and dabbing accessories, storage solutions and great glass torch work for pipes, bongs and dab rigs.

Thomas Jefferson received the first patent in the United States;
a hemp threshing machine

American hemp CBD

Premium American hemp is used for cannabidiol (CBD) products which arenow completely mainstream. CBD is a non psychoactive cannabinoid, anatural chemical compound that’s added to edibles, topicals, tinctures,capsules and anything else you can eat, smoke or drink.

You canget smokable CBD flower, pre-rolled cigarettes, vaporizer cartridges forCBD oil pens and extracted waxy concentrates to dab. CBD can have thesame terpene and cannabinoid profiles as full THC products, minus theTHC. There are even pet-safe CBD products.

CBD products have been proven safe by sheer tenacity. Since the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937essentially outlawed the entire plant including all research, more than50 years passed before we even knew the human body had specialreceptors made just for cannabinoids!

While there isstill more to learn, what science has proven about CBD is that it actsas a pain reliever, fights inflammation and anti-seizure properties.This miraculous cannabinoid is also being studied for a host of otherworld-changing properties like cancer fighting!

Full spectrum, broad spectrum CBD

Now that we can ‘science the shit out of’ cannabis, there are a wide variety of products from which you can choose. And, since cannabis has such a diverse array of chemical compounds called cannabinoids, the difference in products gets down to individual components.

A CBD product that is ‘full spectrum,’ means that the extraction includes all chemical compounds in the hemp plant. This includes every cannabinoid including CBD, CBN, CBG and even the allowable trace amounts of THC (<0.5%), the psychoactive compound that gets you ‘high.’

Many want no THC in their CBD goods, so science can eliminate that compound completely for ‘broad spectrum’ products. There are 114 known cannabinoids in cannabis to date (and more being discovered!). Now, products from ‘distillate,’ which contain only CBD, are possible.

“Let the ground be well prepared, and the Seed be sown in April. The Hemp may be sown anywhere.”
                                                                      -George Washington

CBD topicals

CBD Tinctures

Jamestown was the first American colony to cultivate hemp starting in 1607. Hemp was used for clothing, food, rope, sailcloth and more.

CBD Vape Carts

CBD Pet Care

The first “ropewalk,” a factory designed to built industrial rope from hemp, was constructed in New England in 1630, and there were several more in Philadelphia alone by 1698

Cannabis clothes, American brands

The spread of legal weed affects more than just growers and dispensaries. Today, the cannabis industry employs more than 330,000 people, which includes related businesses like weed-themed clothing and jewelry.

Fabric of all kinds has always been a use for American hemp and today, more than ever, we celebrate our love of weed with all kinds of bling! You can find it all, from head to foot, with themes both loud and subtle.

Weed hats, caps & snapbacks

Over 25,000 tons of ships were built in the Massachusetts colonies alone in the 1690s, much of this weight was the thousands of pounds of hemp rope on each ship

Weed t-shirts & hoodies

Weed jewelry & hat pins

The Boston Tea Party was planned by hemp rope manufacturers who knew the war for independence would be fought on economic as well as military battlefields.

Facemasks, gaiters & other accessories

Summer smoking accessories

We are getting to the greatness that is truly all American made with excellent smoking accessories. Like the 4th of July, there are lots of fire friends in this list including weed grinders, Zippo lighters as well as great glass pipes, bongs and bowls.

The truly great quality reflected in American ingenuity, ambition and drive is exemplified in the smoking accessories section. And, this section is all USA made products, not just the company headquarters, but also pristine manufacturing.

USA made herb grinders

The Marijuana Tax Act in 1937 imposed hefty taxes on hemp traders,a political move fueled by lobbyists, threatened by hemp.

USA made Zippo lighters

USA made glass pipes

Black Americans represent 13% of the national population, up to 97% of cannabis convictions, but only 1.2% to 1.7% of cannabis company owners.

USA made glass bongs

USA made glass bowls

The 1937 hemp tax was lifted to support the efforts of World War 2. The U.S. was cut off from its previous naval rope suppliers in Southeast Asia.

Vaporizing weed

Vaporizing dry herb, ripping fat slabs off a dab rig, hitting an oil pen or loading a wax vape can all be considered ‘vaping’ for the purposes of this article. These vaping accessories are favorites because they do not combust weed to give you a hit, so all you get is vapor, not smoke.

Today, vaporizers come in all shapes and sizes from palm sized models to tabletop options. One thing all vaporizers have in common is heat. They all use just enough heat to warm weed, whether herb or oil, to release all its goodness.

It is virtually impossible to find an electric vaporizer with all USA made parts. Most handheld vapes are made overseas and all electric vaporizers have parts made outside the US. That is, except for our choice for an all American dry herb vape.

Dry herb vaporizers

USA made dab rigs

Hemp was made illegal in 1970 when cannabis was classified as a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance with no distinction between hemp and medicinal.

USA made dab nails

Upgraded bangers

Dab tech has improved with great materials and great craftsmanship. From seriously strong titanium nails like the 10mm domeless from Skilletools to high end heady art from Empire Glassworks, nails make the dab sesh!

Great quartz artistry now carries over to upgraded glass nails that rip and keep terps tasty. Great American banger nail designs are found in nails from LavaTeach, Honeybee Herb, Thick Ass Glass and our own beloved Dankstop line.

Quartz, titanium and ceramic are all excellent choices for nails depending on your likes. Lower temps tend to use clear quartz for cleaner flavors but heavy dabbers that like fat slabs often prefer titanium nails for endurance. Fortunately, there’s many at your disposal and choosing is half the fun!


USA made dab tools

Hemp remained illegal for nearly 50 years until the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, freeing farmers and producers of CBD products, now legal in all 50 United States.

USA made glass carb caps

USA made e-rig accessories

Topping your peak

Our final category in this impressive list of American hemp and cannabis products shows the greatness that is achieved. Not only are great products like the Puffco Peak e-rig dreamed up in the United States, but products made for that popular rig exist too!

You can totally personalize your Peak with an aftermarket glass dome from, you guessed it, Empire Glassworks! Send a tongue in cheek message that your Puffco Peak e-rig is completely hot like a bottle of Sriracha or underwater tranquility scene- your choice!

Of course there’s a much larger range of borosilicate glass addons for your Peak than we have space to write about, so you’ll just have to check it out for yourself and get the sweetest, most personalized dab sesh possible.


Cannabis grows fast, causes less soil erosion, needs less water and fewer pesticides than other plants.

Go fourth and blaze

Weed the People of the United Blaze, in order to form a more perfect session, insist on justice, insure recreational and medicinal tranquility, provide for the equal defense of human rights despite race or region, promote universal welfare of weed, and secure the blessings of prosperity on our clarity, dude ordained and establish this Concentration of the United Blaze.

History can teach US that coming together makes stoners stronger, just like the entourage effect makes cannabinoids work together better as a team. As cannabis continues its run as America’s fastest-growing industry, staying true to our colors- red, gold green and black- helps us stay together and stay irie.

There are troubling racial and gender disparities which remain in this new industry and if we all have a common cause, and an American ideal, at heart- the guarantee of equal life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, stoners can keep cannabis real, and less an industry for suits.

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