Recyclers Dab Rigs
Recycler Dab Rigs are used to vaporize, filter, and cool your concentrate dabs to a precise temperature. This unlocks and maintains the maximum flavor and terpene profiles in concentrates to provide a clean and potent result.
As opposed to a standard dab rig, recyclers employ a network of glass tubes and chambers to filter and cool smoke without letting it linger long enough to coat the inside of your glass dab rig. The consistent movement of smoke with water also prevents you from inhaling a stale hit. In conventional bongs, the smoke tends to build up in a stagnant chamber, or within the neck. While the smoke sits in a static chamber, the moisture leaves the smoke and it becomes very dry. This is what causes a stale hit! Since smoke and water are constantly moving together in a recycler, the loss of moisture is minimized.
Recyclers are great for those who take a lot of dabs, and are often found in smaller sizes compared to traditional rigs or bongs. By using smaller air chambers and narrow pathways, recyclers force the vapor to contact as much water as possible, while minimizing contact with the glass surface area.
To learn exactly how recycler vapor rigs work, check out our article all about recycler rigs. Beyond the function of recyclers, they just look awesome. Because of their more complex engineering, you will see some of the most unique and scientific designs on recyclers.