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A Guide to Having the Dankest Thanksgiving

dankest thanksgiving
Admit it: Thanksgiving is America’s best food holiday. There’s simply no other day of the year that’s as dedicated to consumption as Thanskgiving—unless, I guess, you’re doing Nathan’s hot dog eating contest on the 4th of July. With all of this food up for grabs (or left to cook) and a whole horde of family likely heading your way, it’s reasonable to be wanting to ensure you have as chill a Thanksgiving as possible.

For lots of smokers, that means being prepared with the right tools to put together the dankest Thanksgiving. Here are a few ways to best smoke your bird this turkey day.

Best Thanksgiving Bongs and Pipes

If you’re having fellow smokers over for dinner, why not make a night out of the whole thing? The best way to distribute mass munchies, besides actually making an infused dinner, is to put together a great tabletop smoking spread.

fold-a-bowl silicone bongIf you’ll be having lots of people over and are concerned about having a big glass piece around, consider pulling out a silicone bong. The Fold-A-Bowl Silicone Bong collapses for easy transportation and convenient storage when it’s not being used. It’s a great piece to have around as a party bong because it’s much less likely to break if it gets knocked over than any all-glass bong. At 8” tall it still packs as big a punch as any traditional bong while also being much easier to clean (it’s dishwasher safe). It’s available in a range of colors, including an autumnal orange, and can be used with both dry herb and concentrate.

primitive pipesThere are other low-breakability bongs out there that would work perfectly for being passed around at a big Thanksgiving. Primitive Pipes’ African BaTonga Gourd Pipe offers a handcrafted smoking experience individualized to the shape of each dried and beaded gourd. An added benefit of this water pipe is its marble bowl, which is much less likely to break than a glass bowl if dropped by a clumsy partygoer.

Shop Primitive Pipes here.

10" clear glass steamrollerIf you’re worried about spills, steamroller pipes are great waterless options that can still provide big hits. Nucleus’ 10” Clear Glass Steamroller has two glass feet that keep it upright and stable when not in use, and the front-facing carb should be easy enough for any of your guests to use.

Best Thanksgiving Vape Setups

storm e-nail bubblerIf you’re a fan of tabletop dabbing, The Kind Pen’s Storm E-Nail Bubbler is a great way to easily and safely provide guests with a torch-free concentrate experience. The last thing you want is to have tipsy people fumbling around with a butane torch on the couch, and this e-nail luckily eliminates the need for any fire, so you can instead keep an eye on whether or not the turkey is burning.

Prefer vaping to smoking but don’t want to deal with the hassle of instructing your guests on how to use the oil rig all night? Consider putting out a vape pen or two as an easy alternative to having to repack the bong and bowl all night and spend your time focused on making dinner and entertaining instead. Browse our entire vape pen collection.

v2.w concentrate vaporizer kitThe Kind Pen V2.w Concentrate Vaporizer Kit uses a double ceramic rod with titanium coils to evenly heat up waxes at a low, fixed temperature. Because there’s no need to make temperature adjustments, this pen makes handheld dabbing as easy for your guests as possible.

The Kind Pen vaporizers can fit all of your vaporizing needs.

Necessary Smoking Accessories for Your Thanksgiving Dinner

When you’re in a big group that’s doing a lot of indoor smoking the air can get stale pretty quickly, so you’ll want to consider offering your guests use of an air filter like The Original Smokebuddy. It’s an added courtesy for any non-smokers at the party, especially if you live in a relatively small place or one with poor ventilation. If you’re going to be using a conventional pipe that doesn’t have glass feet, consider getting a bowl stand to ensure that it stays upright for your guests.

smokebuddy bowl stand

Also, consider providing your guests with a roll of hemp wick and a rolling tray as well as a nice ashtray in which to empty the bowl. No one wants to have to empty a bowl into a soda can—or worse, into a garbage full of vegetable scraps in the middle of prep. The best thing you can do is give your guests all the tools they’ll need to take care of the smoking station, including a bowl-emptying implement like the Toker Poker Lighter Holder and some Glass Jacks Screens to keep dry herb from flying through the downstem or through a pipe and into your mouth.

toker poker glass screens

Being a good host is all about being prepared, so any additional gadget that you provide will certainly win you points with the crowd. Enjoy, and don’t stuff yourself too much.

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