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Order Verification

How does it work?

  1. Log into the Mobile Banking app for the credit card used to pay for your order. 
  2. Locate a small, pending charge from "DankStop". The amount will be between $0.05 and $0.99
  3. Enter your order number and the amount of the charge and click "Confirm".

Verification FAQ

Can't find the answer below? Contact Support: support@dankstop.com 

How does DankStop Order Verification work? 

If you've found this page, your order has likely been flagged for additional verification by our automated system. Please complete the steps below to release your order for shipment. 

Order Verification Process: 

  1. Log into the Mobile Banking app for the credit card used to pay for your order. 
  2. Locate a small, pending charge from "DankStop". The amount will be between $0.05 and $0.99
  3. Enter your order number and the amount of the charge and click "Confirm".

If the amount provided is correct, you will see a success message and your order will automatically be processed. 

If the amount provided is incorrect, you will see an error message. After 3 incorrect attempts you will need to contact DankStop support at  1-844-326-5786 or support@dankstop.com.

Why do I need to verify my order? 

DankStop sells age regulated products. We use an automated system to verify that the billing information provided matches the info on file with the credit card issuer. 

This system helps us prevent credit card fraud and underage orders. 

From time to time, orders may mistakenly be flagged for no apparent reason, and we apologize for the inconvenience. Once an order has automatically been flagged, we are unable to process it until verification has been completed. 

Where do I find the Verification Charge? 

The pending charge can be located by logging into the mobile or online banking account for the credit card used at checkout.

What if I can't access my online banking? 

If you can not access online banking for the card used at checkout, you can complete our alternative verification process.

Order Verification Process: 

  1. Take a clear photo of yourself holding your ID. The Photo must be clear and the ID must be legible.  The name and address must match the billing address provided. View Example.
  2. Upload this photo below. Our support team will contact you. 

Can I use someone else's credit card to pay for my order? 

No, DankStop does not allow you to place an order with someone else's credit card.

I want this feature for my online business. How do I get it? 

The DankStop team built the ChargeFWD™ app to protect our business against fraudulent and underaged orders. If you think this app can help your business, email f@dankstop.com for licensing information. 

How old do I need to be to shop at DankStop? 

You must be 21 years or older to shop at DankStop.com

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