Atmos is a well-known vaporizer company that started with the idea of focusing on portability and on-the-go vaping. Originally, desktop vaporizers were the norm and by far the most common type of vapes available. Atmos changed the industry by honing in on transportability and seizing the market for handheld vaporizers. Atmos has spent years in the vaporizer industry, perfecting and refining their products for optimal use and consumption. Although Atmos has targeted a specialty in crafting portable electronic vaporizers, they don’t discriminate between dry herb vaporizers or concentrate vaporizers. They offer multiple models for each type of vape pen, and even offer the “R2” as well as the “Bullet 2 Go” that works for both herbs and concentrates. Are dry herbs more your style? Check out the “Transporter” or the “Orbit”. Are you more inclined to smoke discreetly? Atmos makes the “Junior” concentrate vaporizer. No matter what your preference when it comes to vaping style, Atmos has got you covered with their wide array of vape pens.
The reason that Atmos is one of the leading companies in the vaping industry has to do with how organized and efficient the company is run. First and foremost, they train their team to be fully knowledgeable about every product they manufacture. Furthermore, they are consistently innovating and improving their line of products in order to satisfy the demand of their customers. They make it a point for their product line to be dynamic, never staying the same for too long. This is a big part of what makes Atmos such a relevant and burgeoning company. Not only do they have a full grasp on the demand of the customers, but they continuously strive to meet that demand. It's no surprise that this company is often approached by other business who are fascinated by the advanced technology incorporated into their portable vaporizers.
If you are looking for a smaller and more discreet vaporizer, then our collection of Atmos vaporizers is perfect for you!