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Monthly Staff Picks: Top 10 Hand Pipes

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We are back once again to give you our staff picks for our monthly installment of top ten products. This month we will be listing off our favorite tobacco bowls. The glass industry is constantly expanding through innovative technology and functional features seen in dab rigs, tobacco bongs, and bubblers. New percolation systems are constantly being invented to make these water pipes even better, and the glass industry is starting to become enamored with the concept “The Bigger, The Better”.

But this isn’t always the case. There’s good reason that the traditional hand pipe is still a mainstay and remains popular throughout the smoking scene. Just because they don’t have a perc, certainly doesn’t mean that glass hand pipes don’t have their own functional features. Glassblowers and glass companies all over the country are constantly coming up with new designs and technological aspects which is precisely what keeps tobacco bowls so relevant.

On top of the unique designs and the functionality, hand pipes offer many positive attributes that go against the notion that size equates with efficiency. Their small stature is actually a benefit, as they offer a discreet way to smoke your favorite dry herbs or tobacco. Bowls also allow for portable and on-the-go use which is convenient for any smoker. Their high transportability allows you to take your favorite hand pipe to a music festival, a friend’s house, or just over to the couch.

So now that we’ve explained why glass pipes are such an awesome smoking device, let’s get to our favorites:

10) Glass Elephant Hand Pipe

Glass Elephant Hand Pipe

This tobacco pipe features beautiful swirled colored glass and is available in multiple different colors. It resembles an elephant for all of you animal lovers out there and is constructed from thick borosilicate glass.

9) AMG Glass - LV Theme Hand Pipe

AMG Glass LV Theme Hand Pipe

This glass hand pipe by AMG Glass features a sandblasted unique design that is sure to stand out in your glass collection. It is made from borosilicate glass, has thick tubing and walls, and a deep bowl. This pipe is available in numerous colors including green, blue, black, white, purple, pink, and teal.

8) Crush Glass - Pokemon Themed Hand Pipe

Crush Glass Pokemon Themed Hand Pipe

This character pipe lets you pay tribute to your favorite anime. The detailed Pikachu theme, including colored facial features, is perfect for all of you Pokemon fans out there. This themed hand pipe is made from borosilicate glass by Crush Glass.

7) Empire Glassworks - Honeypot Hand Pipe

Empire Glassworks Honeypot Hand Pipe

This Empire Glassworks tobacco pipe has amazing detail and aesthetics. The neck tubing is black with green glass leaves covering it. The bowl resembles a honeypot, with numerous mini glass yellow and black bees decorating it.

6) Chameleon Glass - Gandalf Sherlock Pipe

Chameleon Glass Gandalf Sherlock Pipe

This fumed glass Gandalf sherlock pipe by Chameleon Glass not only looks cool, but is highly functional. It features a long neck, a rounded mouth, and a deep bowl. The entire sherlock tobacco bowl measures 9" in length. This sherlock glass pipe is also available in black.

5) Grav Labs - 4" Glass Blunt

Grav Labs Glass Blunt

This Grav Labs glass blunt is the perfect alternative for when you don't want to roll one. It features a rubber seal that lets you slide it open and closed so you can fill the chamber. A great feature about the innovative hand pipe is that you can push the inner tube to remove the ash, keeping it clean and ensuring you don't inhale debris. This pipe is made from thick borosilicate glass in Austin, Texas.

4) Empire Glassworks - Alien Themed Hand Pipe with Slyme Accents

Empire Glassworks Alien Themed Hand Pipe

This alien themed hand pipe by Empire Glassworks has an aesthetically eye catching design that features multiple different colors. Most of the pipe is navy blue, the teeth are made from white glass, it has green slyme accents around the face, and the raised nubs are black and clear glass. One of the raised clear nubs is a beautiful glass opal. This themed tobacco bowl is made from borosilicate glass here in the USA.

3) Chameleon Glass - Absolute Zero Hand Pipe

The Absolute Zero pipe by Chameleon Glass is built using innovative technology for functional features. This freezable hand pipe contains a large chamber beneath the deep bowl as well as another smaller chamber in the huge rounded mouthpiece. Both of these work in unison to house large amounts of smoke. The most outstanding feature of this hand pipe is the blue tubing, which features a coil condenser (normally reserved for large water pipes). Smoke travels through the coil and is cooled by the time it reaches your mouth. This pipe is made from thick borosilicate glass right here in the USA.

2) Chameleon Glass - Slyme Green Lightsaber Steamroller

Chameleon Glass Lightsaber Steamroller

This beautiful steamroller from Chameleon Glass lets you pay tribute to the Star Wars movie franchise. The bowl and carb are grey glass and the handle of the lightsaber while the tubing leading to the mouthpiece is made from amazing slyme green glass.

1) Boro Ballers - Cosmic Pipe

Boro Ballers Cosmic Pipe

The Cosmic Pipe by Boro Ballers is one of our top sellers, and taking one look at it makes it clear why. Measuring about 4.5" in length, the intricate hand blown pipe design features a depiction of a whirling galaxy and is simply stunning. Whether you enjoy it for function or just as an art piece, this pipe will surely be a unique addition to your collection.

If any of these pieces caught your eye, view our entire selection of glass hand pipes.

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Top 10 Dab Rigs

Top 10 Water Pipes

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