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Flash Giveaway! Original Monkey Pipe

You probably don't have a pipe like this one lying around. Want it? Enter and you could be the lucky winner to get the Original Monkey Pipe in DankStop's 24-hour flash giveaway sweepstake!

The Original Monkey Pipe is made in the USA and composed of both aluminum and wood. Its wooden top is able to swivel back and forth, and when this top is swiveled 180˚, the Monkey Pipe is considered fully opened. Pack it with your tobacco or dry herbs, then ignite it. The smoke will travel between the aluminum body and wooden bottom. As it travels through this path, the smoke will cool before exiting the mouthpiece. The Original Monkey Pipe is noticeably portable. You can even pre-pack it, swivel it closed, and stick it into your pocket for a future smoke sesh. If there's a perfect hand pipe for bringing on-the-go, it's the Original Monkey Pipe!

The entire list of the Original Monkey Pipe features includes:

Monkey Pipe Chillum
2 Ventilation Holes: Cools Smoke
American Made
Hardwood & Aluminum Composition
Hardwood Varies In Light/Dark Color
Pocket Sized: 1.75" X 0.75"
Portable Hand Pipe
Recessed Mouthpiece
Wooden Swivel Lid
Branded W/ Logo

Original Monkey Pipe

This flash giveaway sweepstake will run from 1/14 to 1/15. Only one will take the prize! Make sure to enter in as many ways as possible to increase your chances of winning this unique chillum.

Didn't get lucky this time? Don't worry. Dankstop has a wide variety of hand pipes to choose from including:

Liquid Freezable Glitter Pipe

Fumed Ice Cube Steamroller

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