It’s really a question you only ask yourself once: why should I use a pipe screen? Once you find out why, you’ll be sorry that you ever questioned it. There’s nothing worse than a mouthful of burnt ash landing in your mouth, and because it’s a problem that’s so easy to prevent most smokers don’t even talk about it. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t a couple of different solutions that you could implement to prevent a cherried bowl from landing in your mouth, though, so here’s a little background on all of your pipe screen options.
Reasons to Use a Pipe Screen
Technically you don’t need a pipe screen; plenty of bowl sessions have gone fine without one. Some bowls have holes that are small enough that they don’t tend to let any ash through, although these often end up getting stuffed up with tar after a few uses. Even if you’re an expert at lighting up, there will always be some circumstance where you pull too hard and wind up with a mouth full of ill-tasting plant matter.
Besides the obvious reason of keeping your mouth free of gross debris, there’s also the matter that pipe screens help to keep a bowl cleaner in the long run than not using one. They make it easier to dump out the contents of a piece in between sessions and, especially in the case of brass and silver screens, keep some tar from building up in the glass itself. This means that you’ll be able to get away with cleaning your piece less often and, in the case of water-based pieces like bubblers or bongs, have less concern about clean water in general.
Kinds of Pipe Screens
Some folks make their own pipe screens using tin foil with toothpick holes poked into it. Inhaling smoke off of heated aluminum isn’t necessarily the healthiest choice when it comes to screens however, and it’s affordable and easy enough to buy a big pack of screens that you’ll never have to bother with worrying about tin foil lung.
Whether you’re keen on grabbing 100 disposable mesh screens or prefer to find a bowl that will just do the job for you automatically, there are plenty of options available to make sure that you can avoid Scooby snacks from falling into your mouth and making you look like a coughing, spitting fool.
Check out the other smoking accessories that can prove to be helpful during a smoke session.
- published by DankStop