The Orb also has an innovation unseen in any other vaporizer: a special loading system that makes putting in concentrate wax much easier. For many vape pens, using concentrate is a tricky endeavor; there’s a risk of it falling off the coil and leaking into the chamber. With The Source Orb, you load the wax onto a plate attached to the mouthpiece by a small coil. You then re-attach the mouthpiece and the plate places the wax right over the coil. Since the wax gets packed correctly every time, you can be confident that you’ll get the maximum effect from your inhales.
The vaporizer comes with a quartz globe tip that has a side carb that allows you to control airflow. The Source Orb is known for its exceptional durability, with a sturdy body made of stainless steel and an aluminum mouthpiece. As an attachment, the source orb can connect to other Source vaporizers like the Source Globe and Bubbler.
As expected from a company as ambitious as Source Vapes, The Source Orb pushes the boundaries of what a vape pen can be capable of. It incorporates features expected of much larger vaporizers, such as being effectively dual-use, an intuitive loading system, and comfortable airflow. If you’re considering an investment in a new vape, the Source Orb will more than satisfy.
- published by DankStop