Dab Rigs & Oil Rigs
Dab Rigs are filtration devices used to consume concentrates or “dabs.”
Dab rigs are designed specifically for concentrates and provide better flavor and vapor consistency than a bong or dry pipe.
Dab Rigs have gained popularity in recent years thanks to increasing access to concentrates throughout the USA and internationally.
How do dab rigs work? Â
Dab Rigs use water to cool the vapor produced by placing a “dab” of concentrates onto a hot “dab nail”.
While the dab nail acts as a melting pot, users place their lips on the mouthpiece and inhale. This suction pulls the vapor into the dab rig, the downstem, and the water chamber. The water chamber acts as a radiator and instantly cools the hot vapor to a comfortable temperature for your lungs to inhale.
Almost every dab rig features some diffusion, which forces the vapor through a series of small, submerged holes — forming millions of tiny, beautiful bubbles! These tiny bubbles put more vapor into direct contact with water, resulting in a faster cooling time than you’d get with one big vapor bubble. This faster cool prevents the concentrates from overcooling and coating the inside of your glass with unused concentrate.
Factors to consider when you buy a dab rig online:Â
- Pick a style, any style! Popular options include Classic Dab Rigs, Mini Rigs, Nectar Collectors, E-Rigs, Silicone Dab Rigs, and Dab Pens. Read more about the styles we offer below.
- Analog or Digital? It’s 2019, and the age of Bluetooth dabs is here. While many dabbers savor the classic process of heating a quartz banger nail with a dab torch and carefully timing their dabs, many modern dabbers are taking full advantage of the convenience, efficiency, and portability offered by digital E-Rig solutions like the Puffco Peak, Pulsar RoK, and G-Pen Connect.
- At home or portable? Whether you like to dab on the couch, in the park, on the beach, or a windy mountain, we have a dab rig that will fit your needs. If you’re dabbin’ at home, the options are virtually endless. A classic dab rig with a quartz banger nail makes a great addition to any living room. Clumsier dabbers may want to stick to silicone dab rigs, as they’re virtually unbreakable no matter how many times “your dog” knocks them off the coffee table ;)Those who dab on the go may prefer the convenience of a nectar collector or E-Rig. A nectar collector acts as a long dab straw that can take dabs right out of a silicone jar. On the other hand, an E-Rig offers a complete digital dabbing experience, complete with low or high temp dabbing, water filtration, and simple breakdown for cleaning.
- How often do you dab? If you’re a daily user, you’ll want something that can withstand the inevitable “oopsie” that happens to any daily driver. If you dab often, you’ll also want a dab rig you can clean easily because dabbing from a dirty rig is unsanitary and generally gross. DankStop offers a wide assortment of glass cleaning solutions to keep your dab rig clean.Keep in mind that glass is fragile no matter how thick or well-built. Protect your investment with our Glass Warranty Program, Piece Protect.
What tools do I need to dab? Â
Unlike smoking dry herbs — which require little more than some herbs and a lighter, dabbing requires a few accessories to get started. Unless you’re using an E-Rig, you’ll need the following items for a complete dabbing experience.
Dab Nail
For starters, you’ll need a dab nail. Dab Nails are available in various styles and materials, the most common being the “Quartz Banger Nail”.
Dab Torch
Dab Torches heat up your quartz, titanium ceramic, or glass dab nail before use. Pick the perfect size, color, and flame style from our selection of top-brand Dab Torches!
Carb Cab
A carb cap contains the vapor inside the dab nail and helps take advantage of low temp dabbing. A carb cap enables you to get the maximum flavor and terpene profile from your concentrates.
Dabbers are used to transfer concentrates from their container to your dab nail. Dabbers are available in various sizes, colors, and tip styles to work with any consistency of concentrates.
Keeping your rig (and especially your dab nail) clean is essential to a healthy dabbing experience. You’ll want to make sure you q-tip a banger nail after each dab to extend the life of your quartz banger nail.
Why use a dab rig? How are they different from bongs?Â
The first thing you’ll notice about the average dab rig is its compact size. The old saying is true when it comes to dab rigs: It’s not the size that counts!Â
Dab rigs tend to be on the smaller side for a good reason. Since dabs don’t use combustion, their vapor requires a specific temperature range for consumption. If the vapor is too hot, you’ll burn off the terpenes in your concentrate, ruining the flavor. If the vapor is too cold, it’ll solidify before you can inhale it, covering the inside of your glass with wasted concentrate and robbing you of a dab. A smaller rig ensures quick airflow and a faster cooling time, so the vapor moves and cools quickly but can’t sit long enough to cool.
Some brands, such as MJ Arsenal, specifically create miniature rigs that are only a few inches tall. Thanks to the scientifically calculated designs used in the water chambers and pathways, mini dab rigs provide a ton of flavor through a thick, dense vapor consistency.
Over recent years, glass blowers have discovered ways to make highly functional, fast-cooling dabs rigs in various sizes, shapes, materials, designs, attachments, themes, and smoke styles. DankStop aims to offer a large selection of dab rigs online to be sure we have something to fit any consumption style.
What’s a Recycler Rig?
Recycler Rigs are dab rigs that use carefully placed water chambers and pathways to create a feedback loop, re-filtering the same vapor several times before inhaling without overcooling.
Glassblowers have utilized everything from venturi chambers to propellor perc in their recycler designs to deliver a more potent and flavorful dab. We’ve collected our favorite recycler rigs from glass blowers, manufacturers, and designers worldwide to create a premium assortment of recycler rigs available online.
View our selection of Recycler Dab Rigs.
What’s an E-Rig?
E-Rigs, or “Smart Rigs” are all-in-one, battery-powered dab rigs. E-Rigs replace your glass dab rig, dab nail, and dab torch combo with one portable, rechargeable device.
Pioneered by the Puffco Peak, Electronic Dab Rigs, or “E-Rigs”, have taken the market by storm in recent years. Following the overwhelming success of the Puffco Peak, dozens of similar devices have been launched since with a variety of features and price points.
Looking back, E-Rigs feels like a natural evolution to “E-Nails”. A/C powered “Electronic Dab Nails” replace your dab torch with a digital, temperature-controlled heating element that’s ready when you need it. E-Nails are great for at-home use and are super convenient on your coffee table. However, you may be better off with a complete E-Rig solution if you plan on taking dabs on the go.
Some of the most popular options today include Puffco Peak, Pulsar RoK, and G-Pen Connect. DankStop offers all major brands of E-Nails, E-Rigs, and accessories such as replacement atomizers and e-nail coils.
What are the main parts of a dab rig?Â
1. Mouthpiece – This is where you will inhale from. Different styles and shapes are available to create an airtight seal regardless of your mouth or face shape.
2. Dab Nail – This is heated up using a dab torch to create a melting dish for your concentrates. Dabs are placed in the nail and instantly vaporized, and the resulting vapor is pulled through the joint, through the percolator, and up the mouthpiece for your enjoyment…
3. Joint – This is the connection between a dab rig and a dab nail. You’ll notice “joint sizes” and “joint genders” referred to on certain products such as bongs, dab rigs, and glass attachments, as they are used to tell if two products are compatible to create an airtight connection.
Popular joint sizes include 10mm, 14mm, and 18mm, and all are in both male and female varieties. You’ll need to insert a dab nail or dry herb bowl into the joint to use it as a water pipe.
4. Diffusion – Diffusion is the effect produced by a “Percolator”, or a strategically placed series of openings along a glass tube through which smoke or vapor is filtered in the water chamber of a bong or dab rig. This breaks up your vapor into tiny bubbles, cooling them faster than they would through a single opening.
Dab Rig FAQ
Q: How do I reclaim the dried concentrate from my rig?
A: Depending on your rig, you may not be able to reclaim your unused concentrates. We recommend always using a Reclaim Catcher to salvage as much reclaim wax as possible, while also keeping your rig from getting clogged with unused concentrates.
Q: How do I clean my dab rig?Â
A: Keeping your rig clean is easy, but an important part of the dabbing process. Unlike a bowl, a dirty banger nail will become virtually unusable if you don’t clean it after each use.
While it may seem tedious, cleaning your dab rig and banger nail is easy. For the nail, keep a stack of q-tips nearby, preferably with some 99% Isopropyl Alcohol. After each dab, dip a q-tip in alcohol and clean the inside of the banger nail.
Be sure to change the water in your dab rig after every use. After a while, you will notice a residue build-up on the walls of your glass or silicone dab rig. This resin coating is easily removable using the same 99% Isopropyl Alcohol, or a wide variety of dedicated glass and quartz cleaners. Popular options are Resolution Cleaner, Randys Glass Cleaner, and Klear 420 Kryptonite Cleaner. DankStop offers dozens of options to clean your dab rig including cleaning caps and plugs.
Learn more in our video on How to Clean Your Dab Rig.
Q: Are E-Rigs as good as Glass Dab Rigs?
A: Absolutely! An E-Rigs is a great solution to portable dabbing as they eliminate the need for a torch and dab nail. High-quality e-rigs provide a thick, consistent vapor when paired with high-quality concentrates. Use them anywhere – even on a beach!
Read our blog to learn about the advantages of Silicone Dab Rigs vs Acrylic.
Have a question about dab rigs?Â
Take a look at our Beginners Guide to Dab Rigs for a more comprehensive overview, or visit our Learning Center to learn more about all of the smoking devices available at DankStop.
Still, have a question? Our support team is standing by. Give us a call, email, or live-chat, Monday thru Friday, 10am – 6pm EST at 1-844-326-5786 or [email protected].